Monday, February 10, 2014

And the Winner Is...

February 10, 2014

Constant readers,

We have a winner in the Kindle Giveaway Contest held throughout the month of January.  Her name is Linda and she lives in Ohio.  So congratulations, Linda.  I hope that you have many enjoyable hours of reading on your new Kindle.

I expect to announce a new giveaway contest for March.  So be on the look out for more about this near the end of this month.

Some of you may have been wondering where I have been for the past week.  Unfortunately, I had a fairly severe flair of my illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and I wasn't able to write - either for the blog or for my book.  Fortunately, I summoned enough energy and focus to be able to take notes for upcoming chapters of my memoir, so the time wasn't entirely lost.

Speaking of which, my next blog post will be on my experience of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  That was the next most requested topic on the poll I conducted last month.  I hope to get that to you by tomorrow or Wednesday.  Until then...



1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Stephen, for the Kindle! I'll look for a good home for it, as I have more Kindles than hands right now. It will find a good home!

